You have something in your tooth

The other day we were at a boozy lunch. Surprising stuff hey?

Anyway, one of the lovely ladies that was there, told us a story I thought worth repeating.

She was at (another), boozy lunch with some girls. These are sometimes called Book Club meetings for the posher amongst us. The sad demise of Lucinda Riley is often mentioned and then there is drinking and giggling.

As she was leaving with a few of the other girls, they noticed someone they all knew sitting in a car in the car park. They went over to say hi. As they approached, they noticed that this other lady was bent down as if looking for something on the car floor (or reading Lucinda Riley perhaps).

They greeted her politely and waited, and after a few moments she wrenched her head up with some force.

What the actual….. they all thought as one.

Oh, the lady explained, I was just trying to get something out of my tooth. With what they enquired? With the rubber on the car window she explained. (The window, at the time, was rolled down of course).

They had not really had enough to drink to make sense of this, so they all said goodbye and staggered off.

But, of course, I realise that this is groundbreaking stuff.

My lovely man and I are flossers. Neither of us are really blessed with gaps in our teeth and you know…. it’s a thing. He is a toothpick man, and I carry some sort of denta mate thingie in my purse along with some toothpicks for him.

Generally we don’t do the teeth picking in public. I read once of grounds for divorce because of tooth flossing and toenail cutting in bed. I agree, neither should be allowed in bed.

But! I realise I have been weighing my handbag down quite unnecessarily all these years. Because there are tooth picks everywhere you look!

I am evolved. Use what is around you people. We can all learn.

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