In an effort to improve my fitness levels I have injured myself.
In the buttock sadly.
I’ve pulled a muscle in my bum I informed my lovely man.
How he asked.
Must be from my exercise regime I informed him. Obvs.
It’s extraordinary that you’ve hurt yourself considering your mild routine he commented.
And usually, he continued, oblivious to the hole he was digging, if someone pulls a muscle, they know about it immediately, when and how did your injury happen?
I explained, a bit frostily, that letting yourself go is a very gradual thing. Over many epochs really. As is building oneself up again.
So, now I have to pay a professional to tend to my buttock.
There was a time, that massaging my buttock was an offered service.
That ship, it appears, has sailed. And here we find ourselves.
Oh Rosie, I am so sorry. Both are painful I know….That is both situations, not buttocks🤪 But here is a tip from a very old 80ish woman. Buy a bottle of plain old caster oil in a brown glass bottle which ensures it is not polluted with plastic. Rub said oil into painful area overnight (wear a pair of non special knickers)and be as good as new next morning. As you get older, so will your aches and pains and this. Magic oil definately works wonders. Rub on stomach for tummy ache, on temples for headache, on all joints and its great for wrinkles. I mix it with cheap face ‘serum’, half and half and I look sixty and still play tennis! Keep it schtum🤫xx
Thank you for the tip gorgeous!
Classic Rosie. The last two lines……