What is your risk appetite?
Let’s talk in terms of electric blankets. An international measure no doubt.
In Beira, even in winter, there is not really a high electric blanket demand. I came from Johannesburg to Beira with a 40 foot container of household contents. Where those electric blankets are is anyone’s guess.
In Harare, an electric blanket in winter is nice. My lovely man LOVES his electric blanket. Sleeps with it on all night. For a good few seasons my side of the electric blanket has not worked. This winter, with the help of trusty Take a Lot (and they do from me for sure), I rectified this.
When I depart the lounge for my shower and bed (trailed by several animals of course), I go to each side of the bed to switch the electric blankets on.
Zimbabwe, as an aside, seems to have sorted out their electricity problems. Can you believe it? We mostly have electricity in Zimbabwe at the moment and Mozambique has long been stable. South Africa could learn a thing or two.
Of course, there is a general election in Zimbabwe next month. So, we all expect to be switched off again after that shit show.
Anyway….. My lovely man’s side is always already on when I go to switch it on. I estimate that it takes about 10 minutes for the electric blanket to heat the bed. I also estimate he turns it on about 4pm.
Not taking any chances that lovely man.