Wake up!

My lovely man has sleep apnea. Not recommended.

He LOVES to sleep. If I take my eye off him for 5 minutes, he’s inclined to doze off. So… I have to give him things to do. He doesn’t appreciate this as much as one would expect.

He is also inclined to nightmares the poor soul.

Luckily for him, I’m inclined to broken sleep, so I hear him gasping. I’m sure there is no connection between his nightmares and my helpful inclination to say ‘darling, wake up and roll onto your side, you’re gonna die otherwise’

I’m not sure what single people with sleep apnea do, do they even know?

Anyway, getting this sorted out is a bit of a process. Back and forth to specialists.

It also involves connecting him up to sleep with various apparatus. First to diagnose, then to determine what CPAP thingie and mask is required.

Quite complicated.

These things measure whatever while he sleeps. Our snoring, gasping, wheezing and farting is all now a matter of public record and in the cloud God help us.

Our biggest concern has been that this dear woman who is measuring all this now knows what time we retire at night.

When she was explaining to us she made ridiculous statements like ‘so when you go to bed, at say 10pm..’

We glanced at each other at that point…

So…. The hardest thing during this process is to stay up past our normal bed time.

Despite our efforts, she gives us a sweet little smile and shoulder squeeze.

She knows we are pathetic.

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