This relationship is over

My brother actually has hair, and at one stage kept his hair very long.

My sister-in-law met him at this long haired stage, so she’s obviously a keeper.

He now chooses to keep his hair very short and diligently shaves it himself once a week with some fancy clippers he has.

He offered to get my lovely man same fancy clipper, but my lovely man quite enjoys being pampered by the cuties that come around periodically in Beira and Harare to groom us.

Not to be confused with the groomers that come around periodically to clip my Bella and Alfie.

Prior to my brother getting his fancy clippers, and possibly the reason for him getting the fancy clippers…. He was somewhere (his lovely wife in tow), getting a haircut.

The fellow apparently asked him if he would like his ear hair taken care of (yes, he is also at that age). Unwittingly, my brother agreed.

Before he knew it, he had wax inserted into his ear canal and an ear bud sticking out of each ear.

My sister-in-law’s only regret was not having a camera.

At this point, my brother thought this was his biggest problem. Not so, that stuff was then pulled out.

Spontaneous tears.

Would you like me, the fellow asked, to do your nose hairs?

This relationship, my brother replied, ends here.

10 Replies to “This relationship is over”

  1. My hairdresser (Yes i have a hairdresser he charges a search fee versus a trim fee) offered my the same service luckily for me I am still licking my wounds from the last time I though I would treat myself to such a venture with the wax and i though kidney stones were painful.. just try the waxing its a great benchmark againsty pain thresholds

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