Thank you, I know

I share my Google location with a few friends and family. This seems a smart thing to do if you drive long distances.

There is something very comforting having people who care for you track your progress.

But I have one friend…. Bless him. Love him. There’s always one…

This friend thoughtfully sends me screen shots of where I am the whole journey. Coz, you know, to make sure I know.

And, of course, using up my limited data the whole journey. Screenshot after screenshot of my location. Where I actually am.

Love him. Grateful for the thoughtfulness.

This same friend travels a bit himself. And when he does, he likes to send me a photograph of his view. Repeatedly. The same view. Day after day.

It’s like I’ve been to all these places. I know them intimately. Well, the view at least.

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