Keep that in your pants here

In Zimbabwe and Mozambique, there are any number of social media sites you can use to ask for help or where to find something.

For whatever reason, Google and Web pages are used far less here. You can find an appropriate group on FB and someone will help you. And then….. Very quickly, they will deliver the goods to you if a deal is struck.

It’s all quite astounding, useful, and often very amusing.

But a query this morning has taken the biscuit.

Unfortunately he has posted anonymously, but no doubt in due course admin will spill the beans and tell at least one friend who it is. That’s keeping a secret isn’t it? One at a time?

Anyway, some bloke from the UK (and we can safely predict it is a bloke, as you will see), claims his side hustle is selling his sperm. (See? He must at least identify as a bloke and produce something he is trading).

Now he is enquiring if he can continue this lucrative career in Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe?

He has described himself, as part of his pitch, and is gauging interest before he moves to Zimbabwe. He’s been going at this quite successfully in the UK for a number of years, will be badly missed there, but is clearly prepared to continue sowing his seed to assist Zimbabwe.

The comments….

Some people of very admiring of this side hustle and hadn’t realised its potential. They too are willing and able, so are ‘following’

‘Here in Zimbabwe’ advises another reader, ‘we don’t pay for sperm donation my friend. They just knock you up and run away. We call it mjolo’. She goes on to advise him to look for another job.

Another…. ‘its pretty much given away this side’

Another ‘donating in a cup or in kind…?’

The inevitable…. ‘I’m willing, what maintenance will you pay me?’

Another has offered him 10,000. Zimbabwe dollars

Who knows how this will end? I too am ‘following’ with great interest.

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