My lovely man doesn’t do queues well. Nicest guy in the world, can get feisty about some things. Traffic and queues really.
My parents are British. I suspect this means I am genetically more pre-disposed to managing queues.
My lovely man’s father was Afrikaans and his mother French Mauritian. Someone’s going to get blixemed with this combination.
I try and determine (on a good day to be honest), if and what control I can take over the situation (throwing money at the problem works in Africa), to improve/speed things up, if the task is absolutely necessary (can I delegate this shit or live without it)….. if nothing can be done and it HAS to get done, best to just relax into it.
A recent example, of course, was the hours/days long queues to pay respect to the Queen. I might not have had the same fortitude, but I was very admiring of those that persevered. And with true Brit Grit, did it with patience and good humour.
There was a bit of unhappiness when it was perceived people were jumping the queue. This, of course, is simply NOT ON. There was that lovely couple that present on ITV (they are very funny). Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield I believe. They have been accused of jumping the queue to pay respect to the Queen, and now a whole lot of people are trying to cancel them. You just can’t really get comfortable about how popular you may be, there will always be a crowd wanting to cancel you for some infraction or the other.
We all need to WOKE up people!
The problem in Africa, and why even the most calm amongst us gets riled, is there is no ORDER. There is chaos both in the traffic and in any queue. We are without rules or respect. We live in a constant state of Black Friday madness in Africa. And there doesn’t even have to be anything on sale, it is just a bun fight, ALL THE TIME.
Honestly, we have to up our cannabis intake or something. The continent would be better off stoned.
Haha, made my day Rosie
Thank you Rosie for sure Cannibas intake would solve all our problems. If only
Worth a try!