My lovely man is big on health and safety. Big.
So, he was delighted when a worker injured his eye while helping us with something at the house the other day.
He could launch into action. My lovely man’s launching into action immediately involves me.
The fellow had hurt his eye.
Rosie, we have an IoD he yelled, bring the first aid kit.
It’s also necessary, it seems, to break into code.
Where’s the H&S SOP file he continued.
What? Rousing myself from the depths of an email.
We have an injury on duty he said somewhat impatiently, where is our standard operating procedure file for health and safety? And get the first aid kit.
I have a cotton swab, some bicarb and eyedrops I offered. There is no file.
He sighed… Obviously hoping I was in a position to perform surgery.
My lovely man’s biggest thing is ladder safety.
There was no ladder in this situation, but it didn’t stop him giving the fellow with the weeping, injured eye the lecture anyway.
If the man ever regains his sight, he will know it’s imperative to have someone hold the ladder. Oh, and never be without eye goggles.