What’s going on with my face?

I’m at an age where wrinkles are happening. Happened really. Gravity is not a friend.

However, my face is not wrinkling in a normal manner I have observed.

I do not have crows feet to indicate a joyous life full of laughter. Which is sad really.

My wrinkles are appearing above my eyebrows. Oh, she means her forehead I hear you think. No… Not really. Deep grooves above the ear side of my eyebrows. As opposed to the nose side of my eyebrows.

Are you with me?

Probably not… Because this seems to be an original thing. I know… Because everyone I meet I peer at to establish if they have these annoying lines.

I am alone.

I can only conclude that I have spent my life to date astounded.

Are you feeling the love yet?

We went to South Africa for a bit.

Sorting out something my lovely man required.

While there, we had some laundry done.

I swear they’ve knicked my knickers I commented to my lovely man as I was packing.

(I know what you are thinking, what sort of uncouth person gives their smalls to a stranger to wash? Well, obs I won’t again, the frigging pervs).

Surely not my lovely man replied immediately, can you imagine how big that girl must have been?

What the actual….?

No, no her recovered, I meant the other way around.

Anyway, I’m circulating a petition promoting euthanasia, will you sign?